
Looking to enter your first rogaine event or rise to the top of the field? You are in the right place. Delivered by experienced rogainers, our training is designed to sharpen your skills so that you can get out into the bush with confidence.

Latest Recap Session:

Want to hear how the experienced rogainers tackled the recent VIctorian Rogaining Championships event on 12-13 October 2024?

VRA Training is holding a Zoom recap session on Tuesday 22 October at 7:30pm.

Ian and Anna Gordon will discuss their 24hr experience. VRA President, Sue Noy will talk about the challenges of planning and executing a 6hr Rogaine on 24 hr event terrain. We are hopeful that a 15hr roving team will also join us to recap their experience. VRA Committee member and head of Training, Elizabeth Dornom will compere the event.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions and make comments via the Zoom chat function.

The link to the Zoom  for this event is here

We hope you can join us for this final Rogaine recap for 2024!

If you missed the The Water Race Recap (September 2024), it is available here

Any questions, please reach out on

Here are the latest in a growing number of recorded training sessions:

Navigation Sessions

Navigation Basics Recap (April 2024), available here

Navigation Basics (9nd November 2023)
The first session covered navigation basics. The recording is available here.
Advanced Navigation, Route Planning and Strategy (9th November 2023)
The second session covered advanced navigation, route planning, and strategy. That recording is available here.
A Night Navigation Training Session
Available here. These sessions were presented by two of Australia’s best and most experienced rogainers and rogaine trainers, Greg Robinson and Andrew Baker.

Rogaining Recaps material

Watch the following videos for some amazing insight from some of Victoria’s best rogainers as they explain their route planning and on course decision making. Even if you didn’t do the event these are amazing resources to learn how to plan your route during your next event

The Water Race Recap (September 2024), available here.
No Prickles Rogaine Recap (July 2024), available here.
Kara Kara Rogaine Recap (May 2024), available here.
Enfield Rogaine Recap (April 2024), available here.
You Yangs Rogaine Recap (November 2023), available here.
Chimneys and Ruins Rogaine Recap (October 2023), available here.


Written material

There is plenty of written material as well, starting with the book Which Way’s North. Much more material is available on the Rogaining Basics and Training Resources pages below.


Please forward these links to any rogainers you think might be interested.

Rogaining Basics

Here are the various phases involved in attending an event:

Entering an event

Bookings generally open 2 to 3 weeks before an event and close a few days before the event. Teams have between 2 to 5 members.

When entries are open, orange Enter Event  and Team Changes buttons will appear on the Event Page. Use these to enter your team and pay the entry fees.

There are more details in how to enter.

Later, if you need to withdraw or make team changes you can do this. Instructions on how to make team changes.

Final Instructions

On the Tuesday before the event, download the Final Instructions. These give details of the starting place, directions, and other necessary information such as the Indemnity Form. This form must be completed and signed by each adult team member, and on behalf of each junior member. Look up your team number, often displayed on a board near the gear check, to complete your form and speed up registration.

Travel to the event and park

Travel to the event and park where directed. All team members must go to the registration marquee. Plan to arrive 1 to 2 hours before the event to allow plenty of time to register and plan your route. Parking is often limited – we encourage car sharing. On 24 hour events we may arrange some form of group transport.

Registration / check in

Show any mandatory equipment at the inspection point.

Hand in your Indemnity Form.

Receive maps, descriptions of checkpoints and an Intentions Sheet.

Receive your Navlight tags (bush events only), and attach them to your wrist. Check they are working.

Mark any last-minute map changes identified in the briefing onto your map.


Plan the route you want to follow. When happy with your plan, mark your intended route onto the Intentions Sheet (AKA ‘flight plan’), and mark your direction of travel. Enter your team number, car registration, and phone number.

Flight plans are used if your team is late back and we need to contact you or start a search. Hand in your Intentions Sheet at the briefing 15 mins before the start. You can deviate from the route on the intentions sheet but it is best not to ignore it completely.


About 15 minutes before the start time, move to the Start Corral.

For bush events, hand in your Intentions Sheet at the entrance and have your Navlight tags activated  by one of the volunteers. This starts the scoring system.

Listen to hints about the course.

At Metrogaines, you collect your score sheet immediately after the start from the “washing line”.


Get back to the Hash House at the finish point at any time before the official end time. Teams are penalised points for every minute they are late.

If you are running late and expect to miss the deadline, please contact the event coordinator – use the phone number printed on the map. If you can’t make a call, send a text instead – it is easier for text messages to get through.

At the finish of bush events:

  1. Your Navlight tag will be punched to give a finish time.
  2. The tags will be cut from your wrist.
  3. They will be read into a computer.
  4. Your results will be printed and handed to you.
  5. Catering – in bush events, good nourishing food is usually provided. Collect your plates, bowl, mug, and a chair. Line up to be served a good feed. Sit, relax and socialise. Celebrate the fun you had.
  6. Help the volunteers pack up.
Travel home and clean up

After travelling home, clean any soil or seeds from your equipment and car. This will help reduce the risk of the spread of pests and diseases. See our sheet on Biosecurity in Rogaining.


Results are usually published on the website, Facebook, and in the Mailchimp email newsletter within a few days.

Enter or volunteer

Enter or volunteer to help for the next event. Entries are usually open 2 to 3 weeks before the next event.

Training Resources