Saturday 8hr Day Night + Sunday 6hr Day Rogaine (14 & 15 June 2025)

8hr Day Night Rogaine - Saturday 14 June 2025

Duration:8 hours

Based on feedback during 2024 we’ve heard suggestion we should run an 8hr rogaine. Also our night rogainers would always like more night rogaining.  Maybe this format will please both and offer an opportunity to all to do a shortish (8hr) rogaine with 2 to 3 hrs of night navigation.

Saturday we’ll do an 8hr Rogaine starting around midday and finishing after sunset. Exact timing to be decided.  On Sunday we’ll use the same map and run a standard 6hr rogaine starting at 10am.  No night navigation for those who prefer our popular 6hr all daylight event.

6hr Daylight Rogaine - Sunday 15 June 2025

Duration:6 hours

Event Details

A Saturday 8hr Day & Night Rogaine + a Sunday 6hr Daylight Rogaine.  Like a 2x6hr weekend except start later on Saturday creating a night finish for teams staying out for the full 8hrs and do it again on Sunday starting at 10am creating a 6hr rogaine with all daylight navigation.

An opportunity to step up to a couple of extra hours and try out some night navigation.   OR   enter on Sunday our popular 6hr all daylight rogaine.   We may also be able to offer some training for Sunday but nothing has been decided about that yet.

Location Description

Planning has commenced.


Likely to be scale 1:25,000 i.e. 4cm on the map = 1km. The map will be printed on SRA3 non-waterproof paper (320mm x 450mm)

Entry details

Entries will open about a month prior to the event.  Entries close about a week prior to the event..

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Volunteers Needed

We need your help! Please volunteer. Rogaines are run entirely by volunteers. There are many roles to fill and a variety of ways you can assist without missing out on doing the event. If you are only doing the day event or the night event, stay around or come early to lend a hand – any and all help is welcome, put your name down now or email to discuss.

Sign up for a role here.

Event Entry Fees

$40 - 6hr Day / 6hr Night
$45 - 6+6hr Day & Night

Juniors (under 18)
$25 - 6hr Day / 6hr Night
$30 - 6+6hr Day & Night
Junior entry is free when in a team with an adult.

Final Instructions and Start location

Final Instructions will be available from Tuesday 10 June. The Final Instructions will include details of the start location, how to get there, important information about the event, and the Indemnity Form. Please print out, complete, and ensure you bring the Indemnity Form to the event. All team members must sign the form. Look for the button at the top of this page to appear once available.

Please note that no pets are allowed at rogaines, either on course or at the Hash House.

Please read our information about Biosecurity in Rogaining and make sure your equipment is clean before you leave home.

Mandatory equipment

There will be a gear check before registration, and all team members must bring the following gear for inspection prior to receiving a map.

Per Person:
- compass (A digital compass on a phone is not accepted.)
- whistle
- headlamp/torch (A torch on a phone is not accepted.)

Per Team:
- mobile phone
- first aid kit - should contain, as a minimum,
--- 1 heavyweight compression bandage for snakebite,
--- 1 roller bandage,
--- 1 triangular bandage (or blood absorbent cotton pads),
--- sticking plaster,
--- the VRA first aid instruction sheet.

These items (except for mobile phones) will be available for sale at Event Admin if needed. Compasses can also be hired on the day.

Event Timeline

6hr Day Rogaine
08:00am     Admin opens for check-in, map collection and Navlight collection
09:45am     Briefing – all must attend
10:00am     Day rogaine starts
03:00pm     BBQ opens (approximate time only)
04:00pm     Day rogaine finishes
04:10pm     Presentation

6hr Night Rogaine
04:30pm     Admin opens for check-in, map collection and Navlight collection (delayed to allow day rogainers to clear the admin area)
05:30pm     Sausage sizzle closes (approximate time, subject to sausage availability)
05:45pm     Briefing – all must attend
06:00pm     Night rogaine starts
12:00am     Night rogaine finishes at midnight
00:10am     Presentation


Bush camping at the Hash House site will hopefully be available with access to the portaloos.

Hash House Meal

At the finish of the Saturday 8hr we'll provide some catering. Maybe a service club provided BBQ if a service club is available to do it and there will be VRA supplied soup, pasta and cake assuming we have volunteers to do it. At the finish of the Sunday 6hr it should be a service club provided BBQ and the VRA supplied soup, pasta and cake. Hot water, tea, coffee, and Milo will be available all day. Please bring your own plate, bowl, cup, cutlery and chair.

Course Enquiries

TBA - 0427 012 863 -

Admin Manager

Registration, Changes and Withdrawals - -

Online Entry Assistance

Support - -